1. Forming the inner layer structure: The inner rubber extrusion process is used to form a uniform rubber inner layer inside the hose. This layer is the core part of the hose and directly contacts the transmitted medium (such as liquid or gas).
2. Ensure sealing: The extruded inner rubber layer must have good sealing to prevent the medium from leaking during transportation, thereby ensuring the safety and reliability of the pipeline.

3. Improve corrosion resistance: The material selection of the inner rubber usually has corrosion resistance, which can resist the erosion of the hose by chemicals in the medium and extend the service life of the hose.
4. Keep the inner wall smooth: Through the precise extrusion process, the surface of the inner rubber layer can remain smooth, reduce the resistance of the medium flow, and improve the transportation efficiency.
5. Provide a basis for subsequent processes: The structure after the inner rubber is extruded provides a basis for the processing of other layers of the hose (such as the reinforcement layer and the outer rubber layer), ensuring the stability of the overall performance of the hose.

Therefore, the role of the hose inner rubber extrusion process is to form the inner layer structure, ensure sealing, improve corrosion resistance, keep the inner wall smooth, and provide a basis for subsequent processes.
Zaozhuang Jinfu has MA certification for all its products. Its products have won the “National Gold Award for Quality” and enjoy high popularity and good reputation. At the same time, its products are exported to more than 50 countries including the United States, Canada, Brazil, Chi

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